Sunday, December 13, 2009

Recording Begins!

We have begun work on our next album in the ERHS recording studio. We are aiming for a (hopefully, we'll see about realistic) release date of St. Patrick's Day 2010.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Celtic is now on iTunes!

Our two albums, The Devils of Dublin (2008) and Color Blind (2003) are now available on iTunes in the U.S., Canada, Australia, Japan, and throughout the European Union. Both albums are also available in other digital music outlets, including Rhapsody, eMusic, Napster, and Amazon mp3. Our blog and the website now feature widgets that play streams from The Devils of Dublin and allow listeners to jump directly to iTunes.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Celtic News!

We've just finished our big March rush with seven performances in just over a week! Nothing against any of the other gigs which we absolutely enjoyed, but everyone especially loved the evening performance at Victor Intermediate School. There's something about having a crowd in the hundreds and being asked for your autograph afterward...

Tomorrow we begin a new era with our program as we start a second group, gearing up for next year, while the current group continues. This is far from "Celtic Junior" as we had a few years ago... rather, we are preparing to hit the ground running next year and I believe that the two groups--Celtic Senior and Celtic-of-the-Future (insert SciFi sound effect)--will be evenly matched by the end of this school year...

Special thanks to The Irish Musicians Association of Rochester, who wanted to do something special for the kids in appreciation of our partnership in bringing Teada here in December; we all went to the Cheesecake Factory for a well-deserved feast to celebrate the end of March!

Our YouTube and MySpace pages are up and running, and we now have recordings of newly introduced music on the website for students to practice with and learn from.

Monday, February 2, 2009

The latest news in Celtic

There are several updates to the Celtic website, including some new embedded video from our new YouTube channel. If you have any video of performances, please let me know!

We've received notice that the Celtic Music Society website sits first on the "music" list of Irish cultural resources assembled by, a resource for online learning and degrees.

We now have a number of events scheduled for March... the calendar is available here.

Finally, congratulations to our wonderful friend Jayne Pomplas, who has (again) been invited to perform with The Chieftains!